Better late than never...
Scaleforum was an excellent show, with a superb spread of P4 layouts
from the very small (Manston Brewery Ltd and Llanastr) to small (Wheal
Elizabeth) to the very large (Epsom & Epsom Town and Calcutta
Sidings) with a good spread in the middle (Knutsford East Junction, Lowburn Park,
Midland Sidings, Sandford & Banwell) not forgetting the unusual
(Axalp in P87 scale). Trade support was, as usual, excellent.
Unfortunately I was not of a mind to splash out on many purchases as
I've plenty to be getting on with, but I did fill my pockets with a few
items, oh.. and a couple of books or three... don't tell the misses Pike...
A few of my snapshots of the layouts below;
Knutsford East Junction |
Knutsford East Junction |
I believe this was Knutsford East last show. I'd seen it a few times at previous shows but at this show I took time to appreciate it more. Taking in the train movements quality of track and stock along with the smaller details of the layout.
Llanastr |
My first sight of this iconic layout. A small piece of P4 history.
Lowburn Park |
Lowburn Park |
I found Lowburn Park an interesting layout set in the Newcastle area in the period 1905-1910 with the unique electric locos of the NER. A nice mix of shunting wagons in the exchange sidings along with through passenger and goods workings complemented by buildings and scenery that seems to capture the area and period well.
Manston Brewery Ltd |
Manston Brewery Ltd |
I have one word for Manston Brewery Ltd.. Exquisite..
Midland Sidings |
Midland Sidings |
Midland Sidings |
Midland Sidings was one layout I kept gravitating to regularly over the weekend. I think with this layout, it was the operation of the exchange sidings and impressive backdrop of buildings that captivated me. It was also one of two layouts that used Dingham couplings. The debate is still out as to which autocouplings I should use. Seeing them at Scalforum has given me thoughts about trialling them on a few wagons for my Tredethy Wharf layout.
Sandford and Banwell |
Sandford and Banwell |
Sandford and Banwell |
Over the course of the weekend I kept regularly going back to Sandford and Branwell. This was to admire the quality of track, buildings, stock and ground cover. I thought all aspects were excellent and to a standard that I hope to achieve. While studying the layout I overheard a few comments from onlookers that it looked too clean. Yes it may look very clean but I didn't have a problem with it. From a personal perspective, if I can create a layout that looks as good as this and with stock that ran as faultlessly as I witnessed I'd be overjoyed.
Wheal Elizabeth |
I've always enjoyed seeing Wheal Elizabeth and hope to again, I suppose it's not surprised considering it's a Cornish China Clay Dries. Unfortunately, yet again, I didn't get to see the Beattie Well Tank in operation.. there is always the next time...
The few photos I took of Epsom Town, Calcutta Sidings and Axalp are of very poor so not worth posting. That said Espom and Calcutta layouts were impresive due to their size - both over 50 feet long. Axalp was a mind blowing layout, with its mixture of track gauges within the same length of track, some triple gauge, it must be a nightmare to operate. It takes track building to a different level... awesome!
In the demonstration area I was able to sit down in front of Ray Hodson while he was showing techniques and equipment required for resistance soldering. I found it very informative and he was able to reduce my apprehension about this method. Hope to give this a go on some brass etches in the next couple of months. I probably didn't spend enough time in the demonstration area taking in all the advice that was on hand. Must make better use of this facility next year.
Overall I'm in awe of the skill, dedication and effort put in by everyone involved in building all the layouts that were on show at Scaleforum. All very inspiring, and I'm already looking forward to Scaleforum 2015.