So far this month I have been very disappointed with myself. Was hoping to have made progress with baseboards for Boscarne Junction, built my first P4 point, and built at least one wagon. Not only have I been unable to complete the above but I've also missed a Scalefour Area Group meeting.
Looking on the bright side there are another 14 days to the end of the month and I have made progress on a timetable for Grogley Junction and Boscarne Junction. The creation of this timetable has been going in the background for many months during short amounts of spare time and/or when I've been away from home. The main aim of this project is to build Grogley Junction, the emphasis is to create a timetable to make Grogley Junction an interesting layout to operate. But if I can build Boscarne Junction successfully there is the potential that I could operate both layouts together. So the idea behind putting the timetable together before I start building either layout is, I hope, to confirm the track plans and confirm that they will work together.
The timetable below does show that my original Grogley Junction track plan will probably need altering. This junction has developed into an important goods exchange between Wadebridge, Wenford Bridge, Bobmin General, Bodmin North, St. Blazey and Mawgan Porth. There are a number of goods movements which may prove that the two original exchange sidings are not enough. It also raises a question that I might be able to justify creating a duty for a shunting engine at Grogley Junction to shunt the exchange sidings. It is becoming a small marshaling yard.....
Below is the complete timetable so far, 9 pages in total, outlining 59 movements though Grogley Junction and 38 though Boscarne Junction. I am/will also be adding to this document all stock, loco rosters and duty numbers required for each train movement but this is it for now.

The timetable is still a work in progress but it looks like the track plan for Boscarne Junction will be OK. Any comments would be welcome.