Just to while away a few moments, before going to a family event for the day, I've built my first crossing V from scratch for the final point on the layout. The previous two crossing Vs have been from the excellent P4 Track Company's kits. As this layout is just a test track I thought I'd have a go at scratch building the final point. For a first attempt, at creating a crossing V for some considerable time, I'm quite pleased with it.

Shame it's the wrong angle...... Somewhere in my head I had it that the last point was a B7 but when presenting this to the track plan, I said a non too polite word, and realised it's a B8 ......... It's a good job that practice makes perfect...... Hope to try again this evening ..............
Nice work though. You'll see that it's not too difficult to rattle out decent crossing vees.
On my workbench behind me, I have 1:8,1:6 and 1:4 jigs laid out from crossing timbers and glue to the (replaceable hardbord) workbench top. No doubt I'll make some more when I need different angles.
I can't quite tell from your picture, but a helpful step is to laminate two strips of crossing timber on top of each other. This helps prevent the rail falling over sideways and outwards whilst you're using your fifth hand to introduce the solder...
Do let us know how you got on with the 1:8, and don't forget which spares box you tuck the 1:7 into "for another day" :-)
Just to say I have really enjoyed reading your blog this past year - and "it's a winner".
Lots of good ideas and info - keep up the good work.
Thanks for the comments guys I'm very flattered.
Just been able to catch up with the blog and had a look at the point this evening. Noticed I've made a bit of a bodge of it and had to undo most of what I'd done on the 3rd. I'll put it all down to too much Christmas spirit. Hope to do some more Thursday evening......
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