And here it is ........ last, track laying finished...... and I hear you say "It's about b****y time as well". I can't believe it has taken me nine months just to build three points and about three yards of track......
During the last few months I've noticed that a few people paint the baseboards before laying track, wiring etc. Is this to help seal the wood from absorbing any dampness: from glues used in track-laying; scenic treatments; and/or from any damp storage conditions that the layout might experience? I'm starting to think it might be a good idea to paint the baseboards, even if it's only to tidy the layout up a little. So, a little late in the construction, I'll aim to dig out some white undercoat from the garage next weekend and give the boards a quick brushing........ Then it's time to get to grips with putting power to the track.
Love the sweep of the curves. This will be a nice build to watch.
Very nice it looks to Yan, as David has pointed out the sweep of the curves look really good. Do you have any overhead shots you can share with us ?
As a matter of interest I seal my ply base boards and cork track bed with a matt varnish. The cassette deck board at Penhydd is made of MDF and sealed with the appropiate sealant which I believe is a simple PVA / water solution ?
Looking forward to seeing more soon.
Looks great! Don't worry - 9 months is nothing. It's taken me 5 years to lay roughly the same amount of track and it's still not finished!!
Thanks for all the supportive comments guys, they are much appreciated. I suppose as long as we enjoying building our projects time is of no consequence.
Geoff.. Unfortunately I didn't take any overhead shots. The only overhead shot I can point you to is my plan posted back in Dec 2009.
The only difference between the plan and the layout is that I've shorten the siding. In reflection I think it is too long for a wharf siding on the Wenford line. Not sure what I'll fill the space with yet though....
Very good looking. I like the sweeping curves through that scene. You should be very pleased with yourself indeed.
Regarding the "over-long" siding, why worry?
If the Goods Clerk at the Wharf finds that the length isn't needed, then it just becomes overgrown, and perhaps the home for an antiquated piece of rolling stock that no longer has a working use?
I am now back on the clay trail so was very pleased that the packets I sent you have allowed you to finish producing the wonderful looking track. More pictures please especially for the china clay group.
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