Sunday 27 April 2014

How about Grogley Junction as a roundy roundy??

A question has been asked recently as to how I'm getting on with finalising the track plan for the Grogley Junction project. This was during a conversation in which I received an offer of help to build the track... Now I do like building track but due to the complexity and the time it would take me to build this proposed layout I'm of a mind to accept some help. So state of play with the track plan is as shown below:

After having a few discussions during Area Group meetings along with witnessing large tender engines negotiate 3 foot curves on a P4 layout, the track plan has been developed into a roundy roundy. I do like the idea of having the ability to run trains continuous for running in purposes and for occasionally sitting back to watch them go by. This is only if the layout will still give me the option to run sequences that have a purpose and marshalling goods trains will continue to be my main focus of interest.

The addition of the fiddle yard in front of the window does mean it is taking up more space in the 'Cave'. With the layout bowing out into the room this is an area that needs some further thought. There's not much space in front of the window for a multi road yard so cassettes will probably be the order of the day. Beneath the track plan I've pencilled in some possible train movements as a rough guide to requirements for the fiddle yard.

It might be time to start drawing this track plan in Templot...


David Smith said...

Roundly roundy is the way to go. I wonder if the bulge is a little too deep though. Maybe 6 inches or so less would make the curves more graceful?

Flymo said...

Great idea. There's nothing like it for just sitting back with a glass of something nice and watching the trains go by... Very envious of the space that you have in the ManCave.

Ian said...

Many thanks for the comments guys.

I've created the curve from an OS map so I'm being a little reluctant to reduce the bulge. Need to put some thought into the fiddle yard but as long as I don't put on too much weight I'm hoping a 2 foot gap should be OK.

I've started to wonder if a could created a double track roundy roundy. After all I've two tracks leaving the scenic section at each end...

Richard Slipper said...

Obviously Yan, this was the cunning plan all along in converting the garage. Round and round much better cuts out all that boring shunting.